– Setelah KBS dan SBS menyelenggarakan perhelatan penghargaan drama terbaik, kini giliran MBC yang juga mengumumkan bintang-bintang terbaik mereka. MBC Drama Awards 2023 diselenggarakan di MBC Media Center Public Hall Seoul dengan suasana prestise, menghormati pencapaian luar biasa di pertelevisian Korea.
Dipandu oleh Kim Sung Joo dan Park Gyu Young, upacara ini merayakan talenta luar biasa dan narasi tak terlupakan yang mendefinisikan keunggulan dalam dunia drakor. Nam Goong Min berhasil membawa pulang Daesang yang didambakan atas perannya yang tak terlupakan dalam My Dearest.
Lantas siapa saja deretan pemenang MBC Drama Awards 2023? Sediksi kasih tahu jawabannya, nih!
Tentang MBC Drama Awards 2023

Pemenang MBC Drama Awards 2023 untuk kategori daesang berhasil dibawa pulang oleh Namgoong Min atas perannya yang memukau dalam drama My Dearest. Drama My Dearest tidak hanya meraih Best Drama of The Year tetapi juga berhasil memperoleh sembilan penghargaan.
Hal ini menjadi momen kemenangan bagi Namgoong Min, memberinya gelar Daesang keduanya di MBC Drama Awards, menyusul kemenangannya pada tahun 2021 untuk The Veil. Adapun, ini menjadi kali ketiga Namgoong Min yang berhasil mendapatkan Daesang di SBS Drama Awards 2020 atas penampilannya di Stove League.
Berikut adalah daftar pemenang MBC Drama Awards 2023!
Pemenang MBC Drama Awards 2023

Daesang (Grand Prize): Namgoong Min (My Dearest)
Drama of the Year: My Dearest
Top Excellence Award (Miniseries): Woo Do Hwan (Joseon Attorney), Ahn Eun Jin (My Dearest), Lee Se Young (The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract)
Top Excellence Award (Short-Form or Daily Drama): Kim Yoo Seok (Meant to Be), Jang Seo Hee (Game of Witches)
Excellence Award (Miniseries): Bae In Hyuk (The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract), Park Gyu Young (A Good Day to Be a Dog)
Excellence Award (Short-Form or Daily Drama): Lee Hyeon Suk (Game of Witches), Jeon Hye Yeon (Meant to Be)
Best Character: Kim Jong Tae (My Dearest)
Best Couple: Namgoong Min and Ahn Eun Jin (My Dearest)
Best Supporting Actor: Choi Young Woo (My Dearest), Cha Chung Hwa (Kokdu: Season of Deity)
Best New Actor: Kim Moo Joon (My Dearest), Kim Yoon Woo (My Dearest), Park Jung Yeon (My Dearest), Joo Hyun Young (The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract).
Pemenang MBC Entertainment Awards 2023

Selain mengadakan MBC Drama Awards 2023, MBC juga mengadakan MBC Entertainment Awards 2023.
Daesang (Grand Prize): Kian84 (Home Alone, Adventure by Accident 3)
Variety Show of the Year: Adventure by Accident 3
Entertainer of the Year: Kian84 (Home Alone, Adventure by Accident 3), Yoo Jae Suk (How Do You Play?), Jun Hyun Moo (Home Alone, The Manager)
Top Excellence Award (Variety Shows): Park Na Rae (Where Is My Home, Home Alone), HaHa (How Do You Play?), Lee Jang Woo (Home Alone)
Top Excellence Award (Radio): Kim Hyun Chul (Kim Hyun Chul’s Radio Show)
Lifetime Achievement Award: Lee Young Ja (The Manager)
Excellence Award (Variety Shows): Jang Do Yeon (Radio Star, Keep Talking I Love It, Adventure by Accident 3), Joo Woo Jae (How Do You Play?)
Excellence Award (Radio): Shin Ji (Lee Yoon Seok dan Shin Ji’s Smile Radio), Lee Seok Hoon (Lee Seok Hoon’s Brunch Cafe)
Producers’ MC Award: Kim Sung Joo (The King of Mask Singer)
Producers’ Special Award: Kim Gura (Radio Star, The King of Mask Singer)
Best Couple Award: Kian84, Dex, dan Pani Bottle (Adventure by Accident 3)
Popularity Award: ONE TOP (How Do You Play?), Code Kunst (Home Alone)
Best Teamwork Award: Park Na Rae, Lee Jang Woo, and Jun Hyun Moo (Home Alone)
Best Entertainer Award: Boom (Buddy Into the Wild), Yang Se Hyung (Where Is My Home, The Manager)
Multiplayer Award: Yoo Byung Jae (The Manager, Alumni Lovers, How Do You Play?, On the Border, Keep Talking I Love It, Unexpected)
Special Award (Current Events and Cultural Programs): Kim Cho Rong, Kim Jae Woo, and Kim Tae Min (Movie Trip, This Morning)
Writer of the Year (Current Events and Cultural Programs): Lee Geun Young (Oh Eun Young’s Report)
Special Award (Radio): DingDing Univ (Good Morning FM with Tei), Bae Ah Ryang (Bae Chul Soo’s Music Camp)
Writer Award (Radio): Jang So Young (Yoon Do Hyun at 4 O’Clock)
Contribution Award (Radio): Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities
MC Award (Current Events and Cultural Programs): Oh Eun Young (Oh Eun Young’s Report)
Writer of the Year (Variety Shows): Yoo Ji Hye (Adventure by Accident 3)
Rookie Award (Variety Shows): Pungja (The Manager, Keep Talking I Love It), Kim Dae Ho (Where Is My Home, Home Alone, Alumni Lovers), Dex (The Manager, Adventure by Accident 3)
Rookie Award (Radio): Kim Il Joong (Women’s Era with Yang Hee Eun and Kim Il Joong), JaeJae (2 O’Clock Date), Tei (Good Morning FM with Tei)
Nah, itu dia daftar pemenang MBC Drama Awards 2023. Selamat untuk para pemenang!